Sunday, April 13, 2008

When the Montreal Canadiens draw my interest

I really don't like hockey, and I should because I now live in Toronto. The Leafs, I'm told, suck. They haven't won a title since 1967. But the Canadiens, apparently quite disliked in my new neck of the woods, are suddenly my rooting NHL interest. Why? If you've read this blog enough it should be obvious. They are playing the Boston Bruins. The Bruins, who play in the same town as the Red Sox, Patriots, and Celtics. The Bruins, who are trying to elevate their status with their fellow Boston franchises.

Last I heard the "Habs" were up 2-0 in the series, comforting news considering the Celtics could be on their way to an NBA championship themselves. The Red Sox are back at their recent winning ways already, and the Patriots have the 7th pick in the NFL Draft at month's end. If nothing else, a Canadiens' series win would provide a brief sigh of relief.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So it's good to hear you are not a fan of the Yanks, but I have to ask -- why are you so anti-everything Boston? Have to hear the reasoning behind the negative sentiment...